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Kate Middleton shares message for people battling addiction: ‘This wasn’t a choice’

LifestyleKate Middleton shares message for people battling addiction: ‘This wasn’t a choice’

The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, who has been a patron of addiction charity — The Forward Trust — for almost a decade now has extended her support for an addiction awareness campaign. On Sunday, Kate shared a special video message for those who are struggling with addiction and urged people to treat them with kindness.

Stating that addiction is a serious mental health condition, the 40-year-old said in the video, “It can happen to anyone, no matter what age, gender, race, or nationality. As Patron of The Forward Trust, I have met many people who have suffered from the effects of addiction.”

Explaining how addiction is a complex process and impacts mental health, Arouba Kabir, Mental Health counselor & Founder, Enso Wellness, said, “It works on reward, reinforcement, motivation, and the memory system of the brain which makes it difficult for individuals to stop and they continue to pursue the activity despite the physical or psychological harm it incurs, even if the harm is increasing by every use. Because affects our brain’s executive functions which are centered in the prefrontal cortex- over time, the pursuit of the pleasurable effects of the substance or behaviour may dominate an individual’s activities. A sense of hopelessness and feelings of failure, shame, and guilt are also seen.”

“Attitudes to addiction are changing. But we are not there yet, and we need to be. Still, the shame of addiction is stopping people and families asking for help and people are still tragically losing their lives. We, as a society, need to recognise that the only way to help those suffering is to try and understand what has led them to addiction, to empathise with them and to be compassionate to their struggles,” she said in the video recorded from her Kensington Palace residence.

Acknowledging that no one decides to become an addict knowingly, and urging people to not shame anyone, the mom of three said, “Please know that addiction is not a choice. No one chooses to become an addict. I want you to know that this is also a serious health condition. Please do not let shame hold you back from getting the help you so desperately need.”

“In case, you have anyone around you who has fallen into this trap for whatever reasons, you need to be kind to them because it affects so many areas of an individual’s—from the ability to tolerate frustration to establishing and maintaining a productive role in society, make better decisions and go through constant shame and guilt,” suggested Arouba. “Shame can deeply affect a person. It makes one feel like a failure, unlovable, and not good enough. Also, if we shame an individual for addiction, they might not ask for help on time or accept the help when provided,” she continued.

“The charities leading the Taking Action on Addiction Campaign, along with others, are working across the country delivering life-changing work to help people recover and move forward. They are here for you. So please ask for help,” she continued. “I know this was not a choice. Recovery is possible.”

According to People magazine, the princess was announced as patron of The Forward Trust in June 2021, one month after the organisation merged with Action on Addiction. Over the years, Kate has worked with addiction charities and gained an understanding of the complexities of mental health.

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