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This winter, follow these six habits for healthy and glowing skin

While the nip in the air may feel pleasant and give respite from the hot and humid weather, the winter months can be quite harsh on the skin. The cold weather robs the skin of its moisture, making it dry and stretchy. In an earlier interaction with, Sandeep Gupta, chief executive officer at E’Clat Superior said, “The harsh winter winds rob the skin of moisture, making it dry and itchy, giving us flaky skin, chapped lips, and static hair. With hundreds of skin products to choose from, it is imperative to understand the ingredients and effectiveness to attain desired results.”

As such, it’s necessary to give your skin some extra TLC during the winter season. Dr Aanchal Panth, a dermatologist, recently took to Instagram to share a few changes that you need to make to your skincare routine, this season. Check them out below.

Gentle cleanser in the morning

She suggested using a mild, gentle cleanser in the morning. “You may not require a salicylic acid or glycolic acid cleanser in the morning anymore even if you have oily skin. You can use the cleanser with exfoliants at night time only,” the expert said.

Creamy moisturiser at night

To avoid waking up with dry and stretchy skin, the dermatologist advised switching to a thicker and creamier moisturiser at night.

SPF is important

While many assume that SPF is important only in the summer months, that’s not true. It’s important to note that sunscreen is crucial even in winter. “You can switch to a creamy sunscreen or use a gel sunscreen over a layer of moisturiser. Even on cloudy days, you need sunscreen,” Dr Panth said.

It’s important to note that sunscreen is crucial even in winter. (Source: Pexels)

Retinol only 2-3 times a week

Retinol is proven to have anti-ageing benefits for your skin. But, if you are someone with dry skin, it is advised to reduce the frequency of retinol from daily to 2-3 times a week. “This will reduce the chances of irritation. Always use a moisturiser over the retinol,” she said.

Lip balm with bee wax, squalene

Just like the rest of your face, your lips also need some extra care this season. Dr Panth said, “You may want to use a thicker lip balm in the winter season which provides long-lasting hydration.”

Moisturise body twice a day

In addition to your face, don’t forget to moisturise your whole body after taking a bath in the morning and once before you sleep at night. “This reduces dryness and itching,” the dermatologist said.

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